Friday, January 24, 2020

Social Identity in the Breakfast Club :: Movie Film Breakfast Club Identities Essays

Social Identity in the Breakfast Club Breakfast Club film contained a wide variety of behavior and stereotypes. Each person had their on personality and taste at the beginning of the film. I believe that communication played the biggest part in the movie. It shows the way that people from totally different backgrounds can communicate and even agree on issues. The various types of communication and behaviors within the film will be discussed. Key terms will be pointed out and highlighted, as well as described in relation to the examples extracted from the film. To begin with the film started out with a communication climate that was both tense and without verbal communication. This was mainly due to the variance in membership constructs of the characters involved. The character's included the brain Brian, Andrew the athlete, the criminal Bender, the princess Claire, and the basket case Allison. There was a great deal of interesting nonverbal communication taking place between these people. Their reactions and responses to each other demonstrated perceptual errors, which would be shown as the story progressed. The gender conflict styles also played a role. The girls both tended to listen, rather than hold the attention of the others. This was especially true in Allison's case, whom never spoke. Allison was introduced in the movie as the basket case. Allison showed that she was obviously insecure, seating herself facing away from the rest of the room (avoidance). She would not speak out. She was non-assertive, when asked what she wanted she would not respond (impervious response). She would only sit and smile to herself. You could categorize her in to the passive aggressive label perfectly. She didn't like herself (low self-esteem), or others. She was both futile and helpless. The only way she displayed her anger was by giving a whimper. She obviously had a lot of pent up feeling, for she reveals a lot later in the movie through self-disclosure. Allison obviously lacked the respect of others, for she had no friends whatsoever prior to her time spent in this detention. She also has nervous ticks, such chewing her nails, and played with her hair. Brian was another case of insecurity. The influence of self-concept was strong with Brian Johnson for he had no sense of self. He could not meet the standards of his desired self and was therefore unhappy with himself as a person.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Clever Manka and The Story of an Hour: A Demonstration of Differences in Health, Personalities, and Relationships

Manka and Louise Both short stories are a patriarchal society that restricted the roles of women, especially in their marriage. The setting in Kate Chopin’s â€Å"The Story of an Hour† takes place in a small city in the early 1900s. This story has actual characters with names, such as Louise Mallard. The main character is Louise Mallard, she is a women looking to get freedom from her husband, and she gets that chance when he dies in a railroad accident. The setting in â€Å"Clever Manka† takes place in a rural farming community is Czechoslovakia.This story has stereotypical characters, such as the Burgomaster, the farmer, and the shepherd. The main character in is Manka; she is a woman that is a very quick thinker. She shows the burgomaster how clever she is by knowing all the answers to his riddles. In â€Å"Clever Manka† and Kate Chopin’s â€Å"The Story of an Hour†, both demonstrate differences in health, personalities, and relationships. One difference between Manka and Louise is their health. Manka is a young woman who is in good health. She has no health problems, but on the other hand Louise does.In the beginning of â€Å"The Story of an Hour†, it’s stated that â€Å"Louise had heart trouble† (Chopin 666). Knowing that Louise had heart trouble, her sister carefully told her about her husband’s death, to try to refrain from Louise having a heart attack. Another difference between Manka and Louise is their personalities. Manka is an independent woman. She has a very intelligent and confident personality. To show how clever she really was, the Burgomaster gave a riddle to her father (the shepherd) to give to Manka.It was â€Å"tell her to come see me, but she must come neither by day nor by night, neither riding nor walking, neither dressed nor undressed† (Manka, 18). Her father told her what the burgomaster said. She showed how smart she was by going to his house at dawn (Neither by day nor by night), wearing fish net (neither dressed not undressed), with one leg over a goat and one foot on the ground (neither riding nor walking). The Burgomaster was so surprised by her cleverness that he had to marry her. He then told her â€Å"you are not to use that cleverness of yours at my expense. I won’t have you interfering in any of my cases.In fact, if ever you give advice to anyone who comes to my for judgment, I’ll turn you out of my house at once and send you home to your father† (Manka, 19). Even the burgomaster was intimidated by Manka’s intelligence. Even though Louise did not seem as intelligent as Manka, she still had a thinking personality. After Louise’s Sister Josephine told her about her husband’s death, she went up to her room (where most of the story took place) and she began to think. She then realized she was free from her husband, and she was now happy that she was not under his ruling anymore.She said â₠¬Å"There would be no one to live for during those coming years; she would live for herself† (Chopin 667). Another difference between Manka and Louise is their relationships with their husbands. They are both married this is one similarity that they share. Manka and the Burgomaster seem to get along well, except when she got into one of his cases. He told her if she interfered with any of his business he would send her back to her father’s house and he was going to do just that. He told Manka she could take one thing with her.She asked if she could stay till after supper, he agreed. She ended up getting him drunk and taking him to his father’s house. He woke up and asked her â€Å"what does this mean? † She replied â€Å"You know you told me I might take with me the one thing I liked best in your house, so of course I took you† (Manka, 20). He then told her that she was to clever for him, and then they went back home. After that their relationship go t stronger, and if a case was too difficult for him they went to her for advice. On the other hand Louise and her husband didn’t have such a good relationship.In the story, not much is said about Mr. Mallard and her relationship. Going off how she reacted when her sister told her he had died in a railroad accident, their relationship was sketchy. She loved him—sometimes, but often she didn’t. In the story, she said â€Å"Free! Body and soul free† (Chopin, 668). Her sister came up to her room to see if she was okay. Bringing Louise downstairs, they saw at the base of the stairwell, Mr. Mallard as he came through the door. As soon as she saw him Louise died. When the doctors came they said she had died of heart disease– of joy that ills. In both short stories, â€Å"Clever Manka† and â€Å"The Story of an Hour†, we read about two very different women, and compared and contrasted their health, personalities, and relationships with their husband’s. Although they did had some things in common, one was they both lived in a dominant male society. Chopin, Kate. â€Å"Story of an Hour. † Successful College Writing. Ed. Kathleen McWhorter. 4th ed. Boston: Bedford/ St. Martin’s, 2009. 665-668 â€Å"Clever Manka. † Introduction to Literature. Eds. Alice S. Landy And William Rodney Allen. 6th ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin,

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Why Are Mosquitoes Attracted to You

Have you ever wondered why some people get bitten by mosquitoes and others dont? Its not just chance. About 10 to 20 percent of people are mosquito magnets due to their body chemistry, scientists say. Here are some things that mosquitoes find irresistible. Body Odor and Heat Mosquitoes are very sensitive to scents produced when you sweat, such as ammonia, lactic acid, and uric acid. The more you perspire and the more it soaks into clothing (like socks or T-shirts) the more bacteria build up on your skin (especially if youre exercising or working outside and getting dirty), making you more attractive to mosquitoes. Mosquitoes are also attracted by the heat our bodies produce; the bigger you are, the more attractive a target you become.   Perfumes, Colognes, Lotions In addition to natural body odors, mosquitoes are also lured by chemical scents from perfumes or colognes. Floral scents are particularly attractive to mosquitoes, research shows. Theyre also lured by skincare products that contain alpha-hydroxy acids, which are a form of lactic acid that the bugs love. Cardon Dioxide Mosquitoes can detect  carbon dioxide  in the air, so the more you exhale, the more likely you are to become a blood meal. Mosquitoes usually fly in a zigzag pattern through the CO2 plume until they locate the source. Adults are especially attractive because they emit more carbon dioxide than children and pets. Other Factors? Its a fact that mosquitoes thrive on proteins found in the blood. Although some researchers have argued that mosquitoes appear to be attracted to Type O bloodin humans, other researchers  have questioned the data behind this study. Some people also contend that mosquitoes are attracted to dark colors, especially blue, and the odors of fermented foods like cheese or beer, but neither of these assertions has been proven true by scientists. Mosquito Facts There are more about  3,500 species of mosquito  throughout the world. About 170 species can be found in the United States.Only female mosquitoes feed on blood, which they need in order to produce eggs. Male mosquitoes do not bite, preferring the nectar of flowers.Biting mosquitoes can spread diseases such as malaria, Dengue fever, yellow fever, the Zika virus, and the West Nile virus. There are more than 30 species of mosquito that carry these diseases, and theyre found on every continent except Antarctica.In the U.S. six species are responsible for spreading disease. The two most common are the  yellow fever  mosquito (Aedes aegypti)  and the Asian tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus). The yellow fever mosquito is found in warm climates from California to Florida, while the Asian tiger thrives in the Southeast and East Coast. Sources Cheshire, Sara. What Makes Me So Tasty? 5 Myths About Mosquito Bites . 17 July 2015.Heubeck, Elizabeth. Are You a Mosquito Magnet? 31 January 2012.Rueb, Emily. Peril on Wings: 6 of America’s Most Dangerous Mosquitoes . 28 June 2016.Stromberg, Joseph. Why Do Mosquitoes Bite Some People More Than Others? 12 July 2013.