Friday, November 29, 2019

57 choix cest lenfer! †Translation Essay

57 choix cest lenfer! – Translation Essay Free Online Research Papers 57 choix c’est l’enfer! Translation Essay Un choix infini à ©tait supposà © promouvoir le progrà ¨s, mais le fait est que cela nous rend davantage malheureux. Quelquefois, il est simplement difficile de choisir. Vous à ªtes dans un restaurant et le serveur est prà ªt prendre la commande. Alors que vous hà ©sitez, il commence progressivement scruter le plafond, puis regarde ses ongles pour enfin observer votre partenaire avec qui, il mà ¨ne une conversation du regard. Chaque plat du menu devient flou mesure que vous le regardez dans une panique grandissante. Enfin, vous choisissez dà ©sespà ©rà ©ment quelque chose qui s’avà ¨rera à ªtre du pied braisà © dans une sauce verte gluante. Il existe des solutions pour faire face ces hà ©sitations socialement inacceptables. Dans le nouveau livre, de Craig Brown, This is Craig Brown, il suggà ¨re de toujours prendre le plat numà ©ro sept lorsque nous sommes confrontà ©s un environnement à ©tranger et un menu à ©crit dans une langue que l’on ne comprend pas. Mais cela n’a pas de sens. Le septià ¨me plat est toujours une purà ©e de quelque chose dans une sauce au curry. Vous devriez toujours opter pour le sixià ¨me plat. C’est toujours du poulet sauf dans un restaurant và ©gà ©tarien auquel cas, le goà »t ressemblera de toute faà §on du poulet. Toutefois, la pensà ©e de Brown est intrigante car elle dà ©montre que nous avons besoin de procà ©dà ©s afin de nous protà ©ger de notre incapacità © choisir entre 57 varià ©tà ©s de choses peine diffà ©rentiables : que ce soit les chaà ®nes de tà ©là ©vision, les diffà ©rentes sortes de cafà ©, les sonneries de portable tà ©là ©chargeables et peut-à ªtre mà ªme finalement nos diffà ©rentes relations amoureuses. Cette vision est hostile la philosophie de notre gouvernement qui pense qu’un plus grand choix parmi les compagnies ferroviaires, d’à ©lectricità ©, et les diffà ©rents types d’à ©ducation nous rendra heureux. Pour ma part, il n’en est rien. Peut-à ªtre que les gens les plus heureux sont ceux qui n’ont pas beaucoup de choix : il est bien possible que Sisyphe se soit habituà © son sort de faire rouler un rocher. Promà ©thà ©e, encerclà © de rochers, aurait bien pu devenir philosophique en ayant son foie mangà © par un oiseau pour toute l’à ©ternità ©. Ils sont tous sortis de leurs habitudes quotidiennes hà ©donistes et, par consà ©quent aucun d’eux ne fut confrontà © la misà ¨re d’un choix interminable. Il est vrai que des personnes n’ayant pas ce luxe ne peuvent peut-à ªtre pas à ªtre confrontà ©s la misà ¨re. Si vous vivez, disons Madagascar, oà ¹ l’espà ©rance de vie moyenne n’excà ¨de pas 40 ans et oà ¹ ils n’ont pas de tà ©là ©vision numà ©rique ou des Starbucks, il est trà ¨s peu probable que vous soyez confrontà ©s l’anxià ©tà ©, au stress, et la paralysie continue causà ©e par le fait de prendre des dà ©cisions. La prise de dà ©cision n’à ©tait pas supposà © rendre les gens malheureux. C’à ©tait supposà © à ªtre le contrà ´le de l’autodà ©termination que nous chà ©rissons tant dans une socià ©tà © occidentale capitaliste. Cependant, ce n’est manifestement pas cela : davantage de choix augmente le sentiment d’opportunità ©s manquà ©es, ce qui conduit se reprocher le fait d’avoir manquà © des occasions. Que doit-on faire ? Un nouveau livre d’un scientifique et socialiste amà ©ricain, Barry Schwartz, intitulà © The Paradox of Choice, montre que rà ©duire le nombre de choix peut limiter l’anxià ©tà ©. Research Papers on 57 choix c’est l’enfer! - Translation EssayHip-Hop is ArtEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenThree Concepts of PsychodynamicThe Hockey GameResearch Process Part OneRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andUnreasonable Searches and SeizuresAnalysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalPersonal Experience with Teen Pregnancy

Monday, November 25, 2019

The Relationship between Public Relations and Marketing essay

The Relationship between Public Relations and Marketing essay The Relationship between Public Relations and Marketing essay The Relationship between Public Relations and Marketing essayNowadays, more and more organizations understand their direct dependence on the society and their need to build friendly relations with public. Transition to market economy has brought new challenges and demanded a new approach to business principles. For this reason, the problem of professional marketing taking into account the interaction with public came in the forefront for many organizations.The direct connection of marketing and public relations lies in the fact that PR mechanism acts as an engine of the process of product promotion on the market, ensuring success of the company, its high reputation in the face of fierce competition.Although the aim of the modern companies is to increase sales, this does not preclude the need to use PR tools to integrate the interests of consumers and their behavior.There are two opposing views on the relationships between PR and marketing. Some believe that PR is a direct marketing p iece that is used to increase sales. Another point of view considers PR as an independent discipline, which is not subject to marketing and is related not to sales growth but the formation of a positive image of the company. There is no consensus on this issue, but the relationship of PR and marketing is obvious.DefinitionsPR is an activity aimed at forming positive opinion about the company and maintaining mutually beneficial relationships with it (Crabtree,  2010: 10-11). The purpose of PR is to establish two-way communication to identify common ideas or common interests and mutual understanding based on truth, knowledge and full awareness. The magnitude of this interaction, aimed at developing strong relationships with the public, can be very different depending on the characteristics of the actors, but the philosophy, strategy and methods are very similar.Marketing is the subject of market activities aimed at implementing interaction with other actors of the market (Brandau,  2014: 24).It is the process of planning and implementation of the plans, evaluation of promotion and implementation of ideas, goods and services in order to benefit from the exchange between people and organizations. The major activities of marketing are processes such as product development, research, establishing communications, organization of distribution, pricing.The Roles of PR and MarketingFunctions and tasks of Public RelationsThe most basic and common functions of PR are:1) Control of public opinion and behavior in order to meet their needs and interests.2) Responding to the public. Organization takes into account events, problems and behavior of others and responds to them.3) The achievement of mutually beneficial relations with all groups of people through the fruitful cooperation with them (including with employees, customers, suppliers, production staff, etc.).There are internal and external functions of PR, which are realized according to the individual generic areas :external function is aimed at creating and maintaining a positive image of the organization among the community groups that are external to the organization, at informing them about the organization and its products;internal function is aimed at creating and maintaining corporate social responsibility within the organization (good reputation of the organization among its staff, formation of a benevolent climate within the organization, maintaining a sense of responsibility and interest in the result of work). In this regard, PR should be considered as a method of creating organizational culture.PR can have a significant impact on public opinion and it is cost-effective compared to commercial advertising. Using PR, the company does not pay for advertising rates, it pays for the work of media personnel. However, specialists believe that the consumer is more likely to pay attention and trust interesting article than advertising clip. It is obvious that PR performs more complex functio ns than advertising and plays an important role in the following tasks:Assist in the introduction of new products and services;Changing attitude to goods and services;Development and revival of interest in partially or completely forgotten goods and services;Creating favorable image of the company addressing certain target groups;Creating good image of the company that would positively influence the image of products and services (Hawes,  2010: 8).Functions and tasks of marketing in the modern organizationMarketing begins with a study of the target market segment. Marketing management is the analysis, planning, implementation and monitoring of activities designed to establish, strengthen and maintaining beneficial exchanges with target buyers in order to achieve certain objectives of the organization, such as profit, sales volume growth, increase of market share, and so on.Marketers determine potential demand and its size (capacity segment of the market), ie identify customers who se needs are not met adequately or experiencing an implicit interest in specific goods or services. There should be done market segmentation and selection of those its parts that the company is able to serve well. Marketing management plans, creates and brings the product to the consumer, develops demand strategy through product price, distribution channels and methods of promotion. Marketing researches product, market, consumer demand, and offers possibilities these studies is a function of marketing. Marketing function is the impact on the level, time and nature of demand in order to achieve the goals of the organization (Smith,  2014: 22).Similarities and differencesCurrently, relationship between marketing and PR and their similarities are growing. Increasingly, these two trends are intertwined in practice. However, even thirty years they were considered completely separate discipline.In the process of rapid development of marketing and public relations, they are rapidly expa nding their spheres of activity, using increasingly aggressive means of communication, actively expanding the audience, as a result, they begin to turn to the same segments of the public, and sometimes even use same tactics of communicative behavior. Despite the fact that from the point of view of consumers, these disciplines are very similar, the practice has always maintained a strong conceptual separation.If you ask PR and marketing practitioners to highlight the basics of their professions, they would come around to the following scheme.Marketing:Promotion of the goods (services) among consumers.The main goal is selling.The implicit goal is to make a profit.Success depends on the amount of sales and profits.PR:Organization help in adapting public and company.The main objective is to establish rapport.The implicit objective is to stimulate a favorable perception.Success depends on the expression of positive public opinion, public support in any manifestation.It turns out that mar keting is a set of measures to promote a product or service, pricing, working with distributors, and PR is the management of the companys reputation. Marketing creates a market for goods and services, PR provides a favorable environment in which companies operate. In some cases, marketing success can be destroyed by negative social or political trends, tracking and smoothing of which is also the task of PR.In the context of convergence of price / quality ratio on most goods and services, a special role is played by image of the company. In this case, PR acts as a function, which enables the construction of a positive image (Wexler,  2010: 33).PR toolsThe basic tools of PR are: Publications (articles, reports, newsletters, magazines, brochures) are widely replicable means of promoting an attractive image of the company and transmitting messages to the target markets. Events (trade shows, seminars, conferences, competitions, presentations) can include both general public and target audiences. News. The main task of PR specialists is to provide interesting and favorable news about the company and its services.The use of PR tools should facilitate the implementation of the planned business objectives: Raising awareness of the consumer. Strengthening confidence in the company and its services. Promotion of sales. Reduce of the cost of advertising and sales promotion.The diversity and complexity of the goals emphasize the breadth of actions of PR technologies (Jacques,  2013: 12).Marketing ToolsThere are various marketing tools to ensure the success of the company and increase sales effectiveness. Marketing tools to achieve the company goal, selection and use of which is realized through the procedure of the marketing mix (Marketing- mix model 4P): product, price, promotion, delivery. The concept of marketing mix is determined by a set of basic tools of marketing: product policy (innovation, work with range, removal of goods whose life cycle is over from the pro duction, customer service, guarantees);pricing (base price, discounts, credit);communication policy (advertising, public relations);marketing policy (market research, sales, development of new markets, etc.);development and implementation of competitive strategies.The first marketing tool is an estimate, according to which the firms resources are allocated to business units. Other marketing tools are:advertising (the most effective way to deliver information about the goods to the consumer for the purpose of sales promotion);public relations (marketing tool, contributing to the establishment and maintenance of interaction, location, understanding and cooperation between the company and society, the formation of a benevolent public opinion);personal selling (but this tool is very expensive as it is related to the preparation of highly qualified specialists in sales).pricing policy is considered the most important marketing tool. This is usually the final stage of market activity, and the price is a kind of indicator of conditions in which the company exists and operates (Rockoff,  2012:14).Examples of application of PRThe following examples are quite diverse. However, each of them illustrates effectiveness of PR.Ford achieved fame of the model Ford Taurus with the help of PR even before the release of the car on the market. When the company  «Lego System » learned that one of their rattles was potentially dangerous for babies, they immediately withdrew the entire batch of rattles and inspired parents to the dissemination of this information. The company offered full compensation of the toys price or its exchange for a toy from the new collection.An example of Ford Motor Company is a clear illustration of the application of public relations in the early stages of marketing use, when news appeared before advertising. The case of  «Lego System » emphasizes the use of PR methods for gaining trust of consumers.In addition to these examples, there are many other methods that can improve the effectiveness of marketing programs. With the help of PR, a company can turn into a leader in its market segment, present new products. PR allows carry out a restart and positioning of existing products, overcome the resistance of consumers to advertising, affect those people who shape consumer opinion, win the support of retailers and contribute to a more rapid spread of products. These examples suggest that PR and marketing can perfectly communicate, that PR marketing really works. That is why in recent years, many companies began to use public relations (Erokan,  2010: 12-13).Examples of successful marketingMarlboro. Marlboro invented pack of cardboard with flip-top lid, which are now standard package of cigarettes not in order to demonstrate innovation or design ideas but for promotional purposes. Smokers were able to pull out cigarettes from soft packs without removing them from the pocket, so others did not see the brand. Flip-tops made smo kers take the pack out of the pocket so that everybody could see it, and the new always attracts attention.Estee Lauder. There is a beautiful legend about how Estee Lauder began selling its perfumes. The young Miss Lauder came the biggest perfume shop in New York â€Å"accidentally† split the bottle of her perfume on the floor. Buyers asked about the wonderful smell and store just had to sign a contract with Estee Lauder.Heinz. In 1896, Henry Heinz was walking around New York and saw an advertisement of shoe store, which offered clients 21 style of shoes. By analogy, he decided to write on their ketchup and sauces 57 options. This number had nothing to do with the actual figures range, but Heinz liked it. And it impressed buyers.Harley-Davidson. The most famous manufacturer of motorcycles in the world holds the first place in terms of branded tattoos for more than a dozen years. It all began with the fact that Harley announced impressive discounts on bikes for those who would come to buy a motorcycle with a tattoo in the form of its logo (Castilla,  2013: 250-251).ConclusionSimilarities of PR and marketing get more and more noticeable. More and more often, in practice, they are intertwined and mutually reinforcing. This was possible because the purposes of marketing and PR are similar: the desire for mutual understanding between the company and customer, care about the quality of products, reputation and image of the brand.Nevertheless, they have different strategies. Thus, marketing strategy is a desire to attract the customer to a particular product, and strategy of PR is to create the most favorable environment for the development of the company.Marketing studies peoples interest in products and services, analyses possibilities to influence target groups and effectiveness of advertising. With the help of PR-activity, the company monitors the interests of consumers, partners, employees, shareholders, identifies threats, helps management to resolve v arious conflicts and quickly establish a dialogue. In general, PR is focused on public opinion, while the purpose of marketing is selling. Thanks to marketing, the company can get answers to the questions: what, when and to whom to sell, at what price and in what form. Creating motivation, sales promotion are also the mission of marketing professionals.In turn, PR provides answers to questions such as: how to be a company, how to make it work needed and fruitful? Building relationships between the company and community that is the mission of public relations.In the context of the existing fast-growing market, PR is becoming an important part of marketing communications. Public Relations today is an effective mechanism for overcoming problems on the way of the goods to the buyer. Using public relations influences the performance of marketing as a whole.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen Dissertation

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen - Dissertation Example She says, Do not you want to know who has taken it' cried his wife impatiently, and Mr. Bennet replies 'You want to tell me, and I have no objection to hearing it.'(Austen, Ch.1). Austen undoubtedly does this to incite some form of comic relief from the reader but the interactions between the Bennets serves as very valuable benchmark against which the potential courtiers are compared. Mrs. Bennet's anxious paranoia over the futures of her daughters stands in complete opposition to her husband's irresponsible carefree nature. It is obvious Austen also considers their relationship to be valuable, otherwise she wouldn't have made them the first characters we meet in the novel. These two are not a courting couple, those days have come and gone for them; but they do represent two aspects of society that essentially signify what is at stake for their daughters. While Mr. Bennet is an unsuccessful dreamer barely able to support his own family, Mrs. Bennet is a realist who never allows her family or the reader to forget that their only hope for happiness lies is in an equitable marriage. Her take on life is very affective on her other daughters, but doesn't seem to phase Elizabeth, who appears to take more after her father. Jean Ferguson Carr argues that Mrs. Bennet is identified by her exclusion from the realms of sense and power, and is contained within her comic role. As such, she stands in uneasy relationship to her daughter, Elizabeth (Carr, 68). She goes on to further point out that Elizabeth strives to disassociate herself from her mother who is foolish. Instead Elizabeth aspires to be knowing and witty, and treated like such; this is most likely the personality trait that incites her fiery... The present dissertation has attempted to offer the potential reader a new viewpoint of the novel through the analysis of the main characters. This has been done in terms of some cognitive constructs such as image-schemas or conceptual metaphors. They have shed new light on the relationships among the characters in the novel. Furthermore, we could go as far as to state that the whole novel is summarized in terms of the LOVE IS A JOURNEY metaphor. The title of the novel itself: Pride and Prejudice, points to some impediments in this journey towards love. Apart from reducing the novel to a single metaphorical system, an analysis in cognitive terms provides the grounds for the construction of the main characters and for the overall interpretation of the work. Furthermore, this kind of analysis is visual to such an extent that the work is wholly understood without the aid of abstractions. There is evidence that within this framework the changes undergone by the characters and the relationships which hold between them are explained on the basis of what we readers see and experience every day. This is one of the main reasons why the present paper is devoid of abstract explanations. For instance, the conceptualization of people as containers is tremendously visual. Finally, we have seen that Jane Austen has made use of a series of universal constructs as the grounds for the construction of her novel. She has done this unconsciously because they are engraved on our mind in such a way that we use them automatically.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Economics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Economics - Assignment Example EasyJet has stuck to their core values, which allowed them to do well during the recession and as business pickups in the country, they will further see many improvements which will lead to even greater profits. In response to In response to the question on the fluctuating oil prices, he added that Easyjet’s hedging is a form of averaging, which means that their fuel prices respond with a lag to movement in market prices. So for 2010, they expect GBP100 million improvements as their fuel hedges adjust to market prices. Easyjet continues to grow steadily and they have expectations of 10% increase in capacity during 2010 as the passeneger numbers grew by 3 to 4 percent during the recessionary period. Easyjet remains focused on short haul a flight which proves to be working as they seem to be in line to achieve growth plans of 7 to 8 percent annually. The passenger growth easily outstripped easyJets capacity increase over the recessionary period of just 0.8%, indicating that dema nd is still matching its growth strategy despite the Europe-wide recession. Gert Zonneveld, analyst at Panmure Gordon, said easyJet had weathered the recession so far but a lengthy downturn could dampen the airlines recovery. "The company is performing well given the current economic environment, but a sustained downturn could clearly delay a profit recovery." Ryanair’s CEO Michael O’Leary commented on the tough recessionary times the airline industry was facing and he added â€Å"Ryanair’s ability to grow both traffic and profits during the half year is a testament to the strength of Ryanair’s lowest fare model, and our relentless cost discipline. However these results are heavily distorted by a 42% fall in fuel costs, which has masked a significant 17% decline in average fares.   We expect average fares to decline by up to 20% during Quarters 3 and 4, which will result in both these quarters being loss making.   Despite this our full year guidance remains unchanged and will be

Monday, November 18, 2019

Organizational Behavior Factors Affecting the Criminal Justice Essay

Organizational Behavior Factors Affecting the Criminal Justice - Essay Example When the upper management makes good decisions they ensure that the community has an effective justice system and also the lower managements are able to imitate their business behaviors, but a corrupt upper management system will negatively affect the lower management and the community. Culture may also be one of the biggest factors that affect the criminal justice system in the police department whereby diversity in the department reveals that there is less likelihood of disagreements between both the officers and the suspect or victims when there is a language barrier. Diversity in the police department has an advantage since individuals who may be witnesses or victims may feel more obliged to give information to the police officer. Law goes hand in hand with the criminal justice work place since the officers are expected to uphold the law at all times. However, there are officers who think that since they are the law enforcers they are above the law which is an issue, but in accor dance to the law when the officer commits an offence he or she should be treated in the same way as an individual who broke the law and was not an enforcement agent of the law. Stakeholders play an important role too as they determine how the internal and external relations of the system function. The influence of this factor in the criminal justice workplace mainly leadership creates a working pattern which ensures the accomplishment of the departments goals and objectives. There are three influential stakeholders’ namely political bodies, community groups and employees who affect the criminal justice system in the work place. Political bodies, who are external stakeholders, have more of a negative influence on the police department since they use it mostly to practice illegal acts unlike community groups, which may work with the police department to fight crime though community policing. They help combat crime by giving police lads to offenders, and this increases the effic iency of the criminal justice system in combating crime. Employees who may be officers are very influential stakeholders in the criminal justice system since when they adequately give information to their bosses on various issue in the organization and are accountable for the daily operations, and this implies that they increase the chances of finding solutions rather rapidly by working together to find the most viable solutions to existing problems. The system factor in the criminal justice work place is usually created by the management, which in regards to the police department determines whether the police force will be effective or not. A good and effective system will ensure that justice is served to all who need it since officers will do what   the system requires of them and also officers employed in the system will find it more comfortable working in the department. The structure in the police department determines each and every role played by an officer and their effect iveness in the department.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Death And Concentration Camps In The Holocaust History Essay

Death And Concentration Camps In The Holocaust History Essay The Holocaust was a horrifying crime against humanity. Adolf Hitler led a nation of Germans who were trying to rid inferior races. Hitler had a final solution to take care of anybody who he saw as inferior. The plans included in the Final Solution included the deportation, exploitation, and eventual extermination of European Jews. (Grobman) His method was to kill any undesirables. He would use concentration camps and death camps. Within the years 1941-1945 over eleven million people were killed. Six million of those who died were killed simply because they were Jewish. Over one million children were also killed during the Holocaust. Nazis, Hitlers followers, killed over two thirds of the Jewish population in Europe. Groups that were brought to concentration camps and death camps included Jews, gypsies, homosexuals, mentally or physically disabled people, and people who did not agree with the government. The first concentration camps were established in 1933. In the beginning concentration camps were places that held people in protective custody. Victims for protective custody included those who were both physically and mentally ill, gypsies, homosexuals, Jehovah Witnesses, Jews and anyone against the Nazis. By 1934 there were at least fifty concentration camps throughout Europe. In the beginning these camps were watched over by the police, and then Hitler had his security take over. Camps were set up for different reasons. Some for forced labor, others for medical experiments and, for death. Camps were set up along railroad lines, so that the prisoners would be close to their destination. As they were being transported either to a camp or from one to another, the soldiers kept telling the Jews to have hope. The conditions on the train were terrible. Many people died of starvation before they arrived. Most families ended up being separated when they arrived at a camp. Jews were forced to obey the guards orders from the moment they arrived at the camps. The prisoners usually had marks on their clothes or numbers on their arms to identify them. The conditions of the camps were terrible and inhumane. Within the first few days of being at the camps, thousands of people died of hunger, starvation and disease. Other people died from the cruel punishments of the guards beatings and torture. In 1937, seven thousand Jews were in camps. By 1938, ten thousand more Jews were sent to camps. Jews were taken to camps if they expressed negative feelings about the government, if they married a non-Jew, if they were sick, mentally or physically, or if they had a police record. When someone escaped from the camp, all the prisoners in that group were shot. Nazis, who claimed that they did not necessarily hate Jews, seemed to enjoy making the Jews suffer. They also felt that slavery was better than killing their prisoners. Surrounding some of the camps in Poland was a forest that the Jews who planned to escape would flee into. Before the escaped prisoners got very far, they were killed. The people who could not run away from the camps thought about revolt. Joseph Mengels, one of the most notorious Nazi doctors, selected his victims for the gas chambers or medical experiments. His women victims for sterilization were usually twenty to thirty years of age. Other experiments included pu tting inmates into high pressure chambers to test the effects of altitude on pilots. Some inmates were frozen to determine the best way to revive frozen German soldiers.(Bauer) Auschwitz, located in Poland, was Nazi Germanys largest concentration camp. It was established by order of Hitler on April 27, 1940. At first, it was small because it was a work camp for Polish and Soviet prisoners of war. It became a death camp in 1941. Auschwitz included camp sites a few miles away from the main complex. At these sites, slave labor was used to kill the people. The working conditions were so poor that death was an almost certain result. In March 26, 1942, Auschwitz took women prisoners, but after August 16, 1942 the women were housed in Birkenau, another section of the camp. When the Jews arrived at Auschwitz, they were met with threats and promises. If they didnt do exactly as they were told, they would be beaten or deprived of food. They were assured that things would get better. The daily meals in Auschwitz consisted of soup, once a day, with a small piece of bread. Most of the prisoners were extremely malnourished and on the brink of death. The bad sanitary cond itions, the inadequate diet, the hard labor and other torturous conditions in Auschwitz, most people died after a few months of their arrival. The few people who managed to stay alive for longer were the ones who were assigned better jobs. In place of toilets, there were wooden boards with round holes and underneath them concretes troughs. Two or three hundred people could sit on them at once. While they were on these troughs they were watched in order to assure that they did not stay too long. When people were loaded onto trains to be taken to the gas chambers, they were told that they were being placed in new labor camps. This was one of the many lies told. It was impossible for the Jews to make out which buildings were the gas chambers because they seemed normal from the outside, just like any other building. Over the gas chambers were well kept lawns with flowers bordering them. When the Jews were being taken to the gas chambers, they thought they were being taken to the baths. At first, there were five gas chambers in Auschwitz, the procedure for gassing was About 900 people were gassed at a time. First they undressed in a nearby room. Then, they were told to go into another room to be deloused; they filled the gas chambers like packed like sardines. After a few minutes of horrible suffering, the victims died. The bodies were then transported to ovens where they were burned.(Weapon of War) The gas chambers were not large enough to execute great numbers at a time, so crematoriums were built. The crematoriums would burn 2,000 bodies in less than 24 hours. Many Jews and non Jews tried to escape from Auschwitz. Some succeeded. Of course they wanted to inform the world of what was going on. Those who escaped wrote descriptions of the horrors they suffered. Information spread to many countries,yet no countries seemed to do anything to help the situation. In fact, as the war progressed, the number of prisoners increased. In total, between one and a half and thr ee and a half million Jews were murdered at Auschwitz between the years 1940 and 1945 Usually, the death camps were part of existing camps, but some new ones were just set up for this purpose. When the prisoners first arrived at the camps, those sent to the left were transferred to death camps. Once in the death camps the prisoners were again divided. Women were sent to one side to have their hair shaven and the men to the other. There were six death camps; Chelmno, Treblinka, Auschwitz (Birkenau), Sobibor, Maidanek, and Belzec. These camps used gas from the shower heads to murder their victims. A seventh death camp, Mauthausen, used a method called extermination through labor. Basically they worked their prisoners until their bodies couldnt handle it anymore and they died. In conclusion, The Nazis, organized the destruction of the Jews. Why they did it is unknown. Perhaps it was because of a history of tension between the Christians and Jews, or perhaps, because Hitler needed a scapegoat for Germanys problems. People throughout history have been murdered; but never as many people as during the Holocaust in such a short period of time. One third of all the Jews in the world were eliminated. Hitlers method of killing the Jews and other undesirable people was first by torture and then by plain murder. In the early days of his leadership, he took away their rights as citizens and then as people. They were treated like slaves and lived like animals. After 1942, his goal was to exterminate all Jewish and impure(Stillman) people. Many Jews were killed before that date, but they were a small number compared to the mass murdering of the Holocaust.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Literary Analysis of The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks Essay -- The Note

Literary Analysis of The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks This book is a great book and it touches ones heart in ways you couldn't imagine. I seriously love this book because I love romantic stories and it's just so cute. The movie is good but the book is better. Well 'The Notebook' is about a journey of two young lovers Noah Calhoun and Allie Nelson who made a passionate summer romance and they were separated because Allie moved to the city. After fourteen years of separation due to World War 2 and class differences. Allie got engaged to a wealthy lawyer, Lon. One day Allie was looking through the newspaper and she spots Noah standing next to the plantation he restored. All of a sudden all these feelings started coming back from when she last saw him. So she decides to go back to New Burn to visit Noah. When she arrives in New Burn she checks in at a hotel and drives straight to the plantation and as she approached the house she saw Noah. Noah saw the car approach so he walked towards the car and once she steps out of the car he was shocked to see the ghost that had come to dominate his life. They spent a couple of days together making up for lost time and a hundred miles away from New Burn Allie?s fiancà ©, Lon, was getting worried because every time he called her she was never there so he decided to go to New Burn. That day Noah had a surprise for Allie he took her on a kayak ride down the creek to this special place he found that morning. When he was about to arri...

Monday, November 11, 2019

Animal Kingdom 54

Animal Kingdom Humans have always had an interaction with animals since the beginning of time. They hunted animals for survival, and humans were their prey. However, scientists believe that our ancient relatives â€Å"treated the animals with respect. †(Stetson). So why do we continue to consume and brutally murder, and torture animals for the means of food and clothing when there is this claim to â€Å"love† and â€Å"care for† animals? We should treat all animals with kindness and respect. We should learn to understand them and not treat them as equals.We owe it to animals to show empathy and treat them better to become better people at heart. Animals such as dogs or cats kept as pets hold strong companionships with their owners in our society. Some humans consider animals to be mindless while others don’t, but I believe that they are capable of love, emotion, and thought process. Although, animals do not speak a language we can understand we can certain ly see their intelligence. They’re capable of unconditional love and learning. Humans should have respect to our fellow non human animals.There are so many animals that serve a purpose in this life than just being a pet or for a means of food or entertainment. Dogs, for example are particularly helpful as certified service animals to help the blind. There are stories all over the nation of the selfless acts animals perform to save humans from death or accidents. Hurting poor defenseless animals is just cruel and inhumane and really says a lot about the person’s character that would actually do such a thing. The characteristics of animals are similar to those of humans.They care for their young just like human parents nurture their young. They’re capable of showing affection, happiness, and sadness. So how is that not proof of feeling? Animals have different characteristics just like those similar to humans. But they rely more on animal instinct than anything els e. We as humans rely more on logic. Animal abuse happens all over through various forms such as animal entertainment, animal testing, and hunting. These animals that are being used in the media industry, fights, circuses, and lab testing are treated poorly and these events sometimes even lead to death.What do these actions say about humans? How can we carry out these inhumane acts where animals are being hunted for their fur, tusks, and feathers? People who are associated with trading animals for consumption treat the animals most cruelly. Those individuals care more about their profits than treating animals with respect. â€Å"We know what we see on undercover videos of factory farms and slaughterhouses is wrong. (There are those who will defend a system that allows for occasional animal cruelty, but no one defends the cruelty, itself. )† (Foer 431).I don’t believe that eating meat can actually be a form of animal abuse, but â€Å"We have so internalized this behavio r-â€Å"meat†-eating-that we do not even recognize it as a choice, but rather blindly accept it as a normal and necessary way of life; â€Å"meat† consumption is ‘just the way it is. ’† (Garbato). No one should be forced to stop eating animal â€Å"meat† because it is a choice that we all have. â€Å"Food is not rational. Food is culture, habit, craving and identity. † (Foer 431). The horrific treatments of animals in factories which are later bought for consumption should have stricter regulations.Animals shouldn’t have to suffer and be tortured in so many ways for our essentials. â€Å"100 years ago, animals were considered nothing more than possessions; the properties of humans. No thought was ever given as to how the animals felt. Nothing was done to prevent the suffering of animals. † (Angelicguides). Many animals are still considered possessions, and are dying for a means of meeting the population’s needs for food, entertainment, clothing etc. There has got to be a better way to be more humane towards defenseless animals.Cruelty towards animals reflects our true character and we should strive to be more kind. We should learn from animals and experience the same peace they live in on a daily basis. â€Å"But I might learn something of mindlessness, something of the purity of living in the physical senses and the dignity of living without bias or motive. † (Dillard 351). For that reason we should treat animals with respect and kindness because they can show us the true beauty of life and I think we can learn how to become better people.

Friday, November 8, 2019

buy custom Causes and Effects of Racism essay

buy custom Causes and Effects of Racism essay Racism refers to the belief that a certain racial group is superior or inferior to another, which causes them to be discriminated against based on their various inherent traits (Shah, 2010). Racism has a very long history in the society, infiltrating every aspect of our lives. It is unfortunate that even today racism still continues to exist and shows no sign of declining in the near future. It exists in different forms based on the difference of skin color, religion, culture, economic status etc (Shah, 2010). A better understanding of racism requires a closer look at the core cause which is an institutional ideology. It is more than just ill-treatment of certain people, or hatred; it is a vice that is cultivated and sustained by governments and institutions (Shah, 2010). The initial evidence of racism emerged at the end of the 16th century with the slave trade in America and Britain. The rich and the powerful used racism to justify this inhuman and most atrocious treatment of black people to gain material wealth. Towards the end of the 17th century, racism had become an established and organized justification for degrading and mistreating slaves (Shah, 2010). When slave trade declined, racism took a new form in the 1940s to justify the ideology of imperialism which reigned more than a century. The white mans burden concept was a trend started in England. According to it, British colonialists declared themselves as the father and mother of colonial children charged with the responsibility of their spiritual and material welfare. Colonialists used racism to justify their exploitation of the natives, stealing of their properties, as well as their capitalism expansion into various countries (Shah, 2010). This paper explores the causes and effects of racism. Causes of Racism The various causes of racism are discussed below: Feeling of Unworthiness A majority of racist people in the world tend to lack self-esteem and self-love, thereby making them feel unconfident. Consequently, they tend to venture their negative feelings toward people who are vulnerable and weak (Shah, 2010). It is important to note that people, who love and appreciate themselves, are in a better position to appreciate the feelings of others and understand them; hence, they are able to accommodate others more. Racists have a low-perception of themselves because they feel they lack the opportunities that others have, and, therefore, need to feel superior and exercise power over others, makes them treat others indifferently (Shah, 2010). Ignorance Ignorance is another issue that fuels racism. Children, who are taught that other people are less human, or inferior, grow up with the belief that racism is right and normal, especially when their peers demonstrate similar beliefs and conducts. Consequently, such people tend to see nothing wrong with their actions because they are validated by everybody else around them (Shah, 2010). Until they are aware of the consequences of their actions through education, they continue to remain ignorant of other peoples realities. Intolerance The failure to teach children about tolerance to different people has also contributed to racism. This is because, many schools are segregated based on gender, abilities, race, religion, culture, economic status etc. As a result, children grow up only used to interacting with other children whom they share common things with. When they grow up, they find it difficult to tolerate people who are different from them (Shah, 2010). Effects of Racism The effects of racism are numerous and varied as discussed below: Segregation Racism results in segregation, and was the reason behind the segregation witnessed in the United States between 1890 and 1940, which saw Jim Crow laws being enacted to segregate the black community from the white Americans. Consequently, all public facilities were separated for whites and blacks. Numerous African-Americans faced brutalism, frightening, and even killing for enrolling in schools and votting (Shah, 2010). Lynching of the black population by the whites for insignificant reasons was a common and widespread practice during those days. In healthcare facilities, black people were denied the same quality of health care given to the whites, and several black patients often died due to neglect by medical staffs. Racism also led to the South African Apartheid that resulted in legal segregation of the Africans from the Europeans (Shah, 2010). Racism also led to the mass killing of Jews and Gypsies by Hitler during World War II (Shah, 2010). Hitlers genocide was systematically planned, and sponsored by the Nazi Germany Government, and was aimed to kill all Jews and Gypsies who had occupied the Nazi territory. It is reported that about two-thirds of the twelve million (9 million women and 3 million men) Jews who lived in Europe perished. The most famous factories were Sobibor, Belzec, and Treblinka, where handicapped (physical and mental) Jews and Gypsies were taken and burned alive, when naked (Shah, 2010). Anger, Violence and Hatred Racism results in violence, anger and hatred among people. People who are discriminated against for instance, based on appearance, lack self esteem and confidence. However, since there is nothing they can do to change their appearance, they tend to harbor hatred and anger towards others, which when not handled properly can lead to violence (Shah, 2010). Such people are exceedingly hot-tempered and can turn violent at the least of provocations. Racism has existed since time immemorial and is still present in the current society. The past years of segregation, colonialism and extermination have all remained in our memories, making it difficult to forget everything and treat everybody equally. Though racism may be inevitable in the society, something can still be done to save the future generation from its effects. Education is the way forward. We have to explain to future generations that we share the same earth, so we must accept our differences, and learn to love and tolerate one another. Tolerance is the key word in the fight against racism. Buy custom Causes and Effects of Racism essay

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Week #4 Example

Week #4 Example Week #4 – Article Example Week #4 This week four assignment involves summation of Murakami interview content that is part two of his writings from page 304 to 345. The content is compared with the writings of Calvino in his â€Å"the lost regiment† and â€Å"beheading the heads†. The second part of Murakami writings dwells on â€Å"The Place That Was Promised† after the interviews concerning the horrible gas attack committed by Aum Shinrikyo members, Murakami talked of a better place (Murakami 304-345). Murakami introduces the second part by assessing why people would believe in Aum while others do not. This leads to a question why should not some people be able to consider deeply about matters that are not directly pertinent to society. â€Å"The problem lies in fact that Aum Shinrikyo was one of the few havens for such people..." (304). personally I believe that the whole concept of thinking concerning life critically is much understated. It appears the entire Aum system is intended so that individuals can trick themselves into accepting they do not want anything. As an interviewee described, it was a method to turn the unenthusiastic aspects of individuals’ life into positive ones, and a manner to acquire respect (Murakami 304-345).According to Calvino, in â€Å"Beheading the Heads† leaders has the knowledge of their journey once have been elected. This is confirmed by response he gets when he asked if respondents were sad leaders were being killed after terms. â€Å"What can you do? If someone agrees to be a leader he knows how he’ll end up.† (144). this is relevant with choices people made in Aum case and also real world incidences. However, when the people decided to amputate the leaders not kill them change was realized. â€Å"This system of pruning leaders bore excellent results.†(153) this is a revelation that promised land can be shaped by circumstances. The lost regiment is a case of preparedness at whole time to meet t he objectives. The soldiers on seeing â€Å"the city before them, so quiet and good natured, minding its own business† (54), they felt imprudent. The place that was promised is not easy to attain unless one is focused and geared to the task.Murakami, Haruki, Alfred Birnbaum, and Philip Gabriel. Underground: The Tokyo Gas Attack and the Japanese Psyche. London: Vintage, 2003. Print.Calvino, "The Lost Regiment" WRG#6

Monday, November 4, 2019

Participant observation assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Participant observation assignment - Essay Example The employees are rushing up and down to ensure the increasing number of customers is served to satisfaction. The coffee shop is set up in cool and attractive environment with a relaxed ambiance convenient for all kinds of people. The sense of hygiene can be easily noticed by the clean floor made of stained concrete with further decorations of blue and magenta runner at the entrance. Towards the front are set four small round wooden tables each with two wooden chairs that have attractive brown cushions. At the back, one cannot fail to notice a leather couch that provides a perfect position to watch the television situated above the counter. Further relaxing environment is provided by the outside sitting place. Through the corridor leading to the outside place, there are posters and samples in small wooden shelves for the customers to take home. Two beautiful women converse in a low tone as they are waiting to be served at the counter. One of the ladies seems to be in her early thirties is wearing a short black skirt and a plain white blouse and carrying a brown handbag. The other lady is simple and seems to be in her late twenties. She is wearing blue jeans with college jacket that was buttoned not letting anyone see what she was wearing inside. "Next please" the barista whose name is Cristabel said in a soft, friendly voice. The two ladies moved close and made their order. At the couch, there are seated two men, Santi and Costa. They are talking in Spanish, and it is clear that they are speaking about what is in the news as they keep pointing to the television. They are workmates as they are wearing what seems to be work uniform with name tags on them. "Good morning guys, how is the coffee today?" One of the female workers was asking Santi and Costa as he was clearing their table. "It is great as usual. I will come for th e secret ingredient so that I can surprise my wife with an awesome

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Perforating Engineer Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Perforating Engineer - Research Paper Example They are mainly employed at oil and mine fields, both offshore and on land ( Most perforations job need one to have a degree in either engineering (either petroleum, mechanical, chemical or industrial field), Geology, Physics, Geophysics or Mathematics. Experience from previous jobs that are related to perforation is also a must for a person. Other employers may require specialized training in the perforating process. The specific training includes breakout and completion as an Associate Perforating Specialist (in the USA) or an equivalent industry skill from the relevant country ( The engineer must also be registered and certified by the relevant government compliance boards. Basic requirements for a perforating engineer are DOT regulations, explosives safety, basic electricity understanding, federal explosive regulation, crane operations, pressure control operations, wire line performance and maintenance and warrior logging systems operations. Other includes pump-down operations and pressure control operations (Express Energy, 2). Physical and personal attributes are also crucial for the job. Such attributes include the ability to respond to emergencies immediately during emergency situations, ability to perform under pressure and ability to adapt to different climatic and weather conditions; this is because the job involves lots of travelling and a person may have to work under different conditions from what he/ she is used to. Others include readiness to work under various conditions, ability to involve implementation of safety, environmental and health procedures at a site and flexibility. There is a potential of fumes and dangerous chemical inhalation when not proper steps are not taken in the field. There is also a risk of explosives, ionizing radiation and high pressure well-bore environment.,. Terbaru: Lowongan Wireline Logging Perforating Engineer Januari 2014. N.p., 2014. Web. 23